J.W.WORKOUT Exercise Menu
Warming Up
#1 Body Exercise : Flexion/Extension
#2 Body Exercise : Side Flexion
#3 Body Exercise : Rotation
#4 Shoulder Blades Exercise : Adduction/Abduction
#5 Shoulder Blades Exercise : Elevation/Depression
#6 Rotator Cuff Exercise : External Rotation
#7 Rotator Cuff Exercise : Internal Rotation
#8 Rotator Cuff Exercise : Full Can Exercise
*1 set of 10 slow reps, 1 set of 20 fast reps per exercise
Chest & Back Workout
#1 Incline Barbell Bench Press
#2 Wide Grip Pull Ups
#3 Chest Dips
#4 T-Bar Row
#5 Bent Over Cable Fly
#6 Barbell Deadlift
*2-3 working sets of 6-10 reps, 1-2 drop sets
of 15-20 reps per exercise
*Take 40-60 seconds per working set